Does this sound like you…

  • A to-do list that never seems to end no matter how busy you always seem to be.
  • Every day is a hamster wheel of wake up, work, kids, sleep and you have no time for yourself or the things you love.
  • Lashing out at your kids and spouse because you’re stressed from feeling overwhelmed and burnt out with taking care of everyone & everything else.
  • Tried every time management strategy, hack and tip you can find but nothing seems to work for you.

Your solution is...

-> Implementing time management CUSTOMIZED for working moms

-> Gaining CONFIDENCE in your priorities, boundaries and calendar

-> And learning how to manage all aspects of your life with ease…

…without having to structure every single minute of your day
…without losing any spontaneity or fun in your life
…without having to give up precious time with your kids just to get your to-do list done

I understand where you're coming from.

HI! I'm Laura, corporate leader turned time management strategist, and founder of the Time Management Academy

Over 6 years ago I was struggling to figure out how to get everything done I needed to in a day with a demanding marketing career, a husband & bonus daughter, and an IVF protocol that included shots multiple times a day, constant doctors appointments plus an emotional rollercoaster of ups and downs along the way.

But now - I balance my career at a Fortune 100 company, a thriving business, a spicy toddler, a teenager, a spouse, plus all of the curveballs that life throws.

I’ve taken scientifically-backed time management strategies and tweaked them specifically for busy women to create:

Time Management Academy

How is Time Management Academy different from other time management courses?

Time Management Academy is the blueprint guaranteed to give you:

  • A schedule that allows you to be fully present with your kids AND your career without worrying about the next thing on your to-do list
  • An understanding of how to manage yourself within the time you have each day
  • Dedicated time to focus on your needs, your health and your goals
  • A plan for what to do when your schedule goes unexpectedly sideways
Once you're enrolled, you'll have access to:
  • Live kick-off call at the beginning of the month
  • Modules, worksheets and tutorials
  • 1:1 Time Audit & Wrap Up Call once you complete all modules

Choose a Pricing Option

Example Curriculum

  Welcome! Start Here!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Manage Your Mentality
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Turn Up Your Productivity
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Identify Your North Star
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Reverse Engineering Your Goals
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Time Blocking....Enhanced
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Plan for the Inevitable
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Time Management for Different Careers
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus Module: Tips, Trick & Tutorials
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Friday Planning Session
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Monthly Bonus Trainings
Available in days
days after you enroll

Who can benefit from TMA?

  • Moms in corporate America
  • Moms who do shift work such as nurses or first responders
  • Plant mom
  • Moms who WFH or have a hybrid work schedule
  • Moms who work part time
  • Moms who own their own business
  • Fur mom
  • Stay at Home Moms (because this is WORK)
  • Expecting or postpartum moms
  • Moms in Direct Sales/NWM/social selling
  • Sister mom
  • Moms going back to school
  • Moms with bonus kids

PS - Even if you are not a mom, you are welcome inside TMA with open arms!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the course?

  1. This course is completely self-paced, but there is a recommended schedule I provide in your welcome email. Each module is succinct and to the point since I know how busy you are! You can listen from a computer, phone or tablet and even as a “podcast” while you drive.

How long do I get access to the course?

  1. You have lifetime access so you can revisit the course material as different phases of life ebb and flow.

I’m not a mom, is this course still for me?

  1. Yes! The concepts throughout the course can truly help ANYONE who wants to use time management to their advantage. However, as a working mom myself - most of the examples, curriculum and worksheets are created with working moms in mind.

I LOVE my paper planner! Can I still use it for my schedule or should I switch to digital?

  1. I fully support whatever method (paper or digital) WORKS for you that you will STICK with consistently. We also cover this topic extensively in TMA to help you decide which option is best for YOU.

I have additional questions. How can I contact you?

  1. I love questions! Feel free to reach out to me via email at [email protected] or on IG at @its.laura.davis 

What if I want a refund?

  1. I’m SO sure you’ll love this course, that I GUARANTEE* it! If, within 30 days of purchasing Time Management Academy for Moms, you are unhappy with it, I’ll give you your money back. *You have to do the work though (buyer’s remorse doesn’t count). *Not applicable to payment plans. All I ask is you send proof that you implemented the required work (completed on video trainings, worksheets, templates and technical tutorials) and saw NO improvement in your time management, and I’ll refund you. 

Time Management Academy

The blueprint to work life balance for women who love their careers AND their kids.